In 2005 I switched from film to digital. Not completely by choice, Hurricane Katrina washed all my beautiful cameras and darkroom equipment into the the Gulf of Mexico. I didn't have time then to indulge in my hobbies, and wouldn't really for another 4 or 5 years, so I decided to simplify and go completely digital.
Then, in early 2010 a friend gave me a grocery sack full of expired film, bulk 35mm and some various rolls of 120. Since then I've started learning how to let the two sides of photography co-exist.
I decided I wanted a cheap camera to go with my free film, so I scoured ebay and ended up with a Minolta Hi-Matic AF2. I'd never really bothered with 80's-90's era point and shoots before then but now I have several, which culminated in my Fuji GA645 Pro, pictured above loaded with a fresh roll of
Ilford HP5 Plus
. I've wanted one of these for years. When it got to this point i realized I needed to let ebay cool off for a while, or start selling things.
This isn't my first Fuji camera, once upon a time I also owned a G690BL. I'm guessing that's a lot of Fuji medium format cameras for one person.